Unfortunately, we do not have access to the data regarding the status of offers from the Free Diamond Offer Wall. Diamonds are automatically credited to your account as soon as the company approves the completion of an offer.
If you completed an offer, but did not receive Diamonds, you will need to contact the company's support directly.
* Go to https://www.tapjoy.com/submitting-a-customer-support-ticket/ and follow the steps there.
If you completed an offer, but did not receive Diamonds, you will need to contact the company's support directly.
* Go to https://www.tapjoy.com/submitting-a-customer-support-ticket/ and follow the steps there.
You can contact Fyber by emailing them at customersupport@fyber.com
You can contact Theoremreach by emailing them at support@theoremreach.com
ADGEM support instructions: https://adgem.com/player-support/
We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you and hope that the company will be able to get this issue resolved for you.