Mods are upgrades you can equip to your heroes to increase their core stats. You can collect Mods from the Invasion.

The shape of the mod determines which core stat the mod increases:
  • Circular mods increase a hero’s hit points
  • Square mods increase your hero’s basic damage
  • Diamond mods increase a hero’s skill power
The color of the mod determines which heroes it can be used to boost. Each mod can only be used with heroes from the same Team Color used in Team Trials. (Trials groups all heroes into three color-based teams: Red, Blue and Yellow.)

Mods can be leveled up using Mod Power. Basic mods can be leveled up to level 20. Higher tier mods can be leveled up further, making them stronger. Higher tier mods must be ‘Attuned’ to a specific hero. Hero chips can be spent to re-attune it to a different hero. Code Fragments can be used to advance the mod's tier. There are 15 variations of Code Fragments, relating to the shape and color.

Mods can be upgraded to provide a secondary bonus to the hero, such as increased attack speed, or bonus armor. The bonus available is based on the shape of the Mod. Mods must be level 30 to add an upgrade. Upgrades can be improved using more Mod Upgrade items. Each Mod can only have one upgrade.

Code Fragments can be used to increase the mod's tier. There are 15 variations of Code Fragments, relating to the shape and color.

During the Invasion, some mods are powered up, making them more powerful in Breaker fights and Boss battles.