Why can't I claim the Guild Coins in my mail box?
There is a limit to the number of Guild Coins you can hold in your inventory. The base amount is 2,000, but there are guild perks that can i...
How do I upgrade Perks?
Champions and Guild Leaders can spend Influence to unlock and upgrade the Guild.Guild Level 1 Perks:Stamina Storage (unlocks Check-In 1)Skil...
How do I earn Influence?
Guild members earn Influence by spending Stamina in the Campaign, completing Daily Quests, checking into the Guild Check-In, and battling in...
How do I join a Guild?
Tap the Guild icon on the main screen and browse the open guilds. Looking to join a friend's guild? Type their guild name in the search...
What is the Creep Surge?
Creep Surge is an infection of creeps in the city. Work together with your Guild to fight them off. Clear districts to earn gold for you and...
How do I replace an inactive Guild Leader?
Have an inactive Guild Leader, but tons of Guild Influence you don’t want to abandon? Good news! You can now replace an inactive Guild Leade...
How does the guild check-in work?
Check in with your guild daily for rewards such as influence, guild coins, XP, stamina, gold, and more! The more guild members who check in,...
What is a private guild?
There are three types of methods that players can join guilds. Open: Any player can join the guild as long as there are open slots.Applicati...
What are Mercenaries?
Hire Mercenaries from your Guild to serve you in battle. They can be hired for both City Watch and Creep Surge. Put your own up on the Guild...
What is the Guild Name Character Limit?
The guild name character limit is 16 characters
What is guild war?
Compete against other guilds in two-day long wars to climb the ranks and earn war box rewards! The first day of war, plan your attack and sa...
What is MMR?
When a guild queues for war, the game matches the guild against other guilds with the same season rank. If there are multiple guilds queued ...
Where can I get memory tokens from?
Players can get memory tokens from guild war rewards and by making an eligible purchase that grants deals that include memory tokens as bonu...
Disconnected occured during my attack in guild war!
All guilds are allowed 3 disconnects in guild war, one per each player can be added to that bucket of 3 allowed per war. Every disconnect wi...
What if we Tie in Guild War?
Currently, ties don't promote either guild. The MMRs may move slightly closer together, if they're not already at the same MMR.
I didn't receive war boxes!
There is a 24 hours cool down period when a player joins a guild. If any guild contest, events, or wars start during this 24 hour period the...
What is Guild Aid?
Guild Aid is giving and receiving help from your fellow guildmates. You can make requests for XP to help level up a hero or gold to level up...
What is Guild Gifting?
Guild Gifts are special deals which give items to both you and your entire guild! Any gifts guild members purchase will show up on the guild...
I did not get my surge reward!
In order to be eligible for rewards, players need to have done at least one battle (participated in the Surge.) Surges run from 11:00am CT a...
We battle the same guild or a top guild too many times!
The matchmaking tries very hard to not have you battle the same guild repeatedly, but sometimes it's the only option available. This can hap...
Guild War V2
War V2 (coming February 21, 2023)OverviewEarlier this month we announced that there are some big changes coming to War. Over the last couple...
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