What is the Heist?
The Heist is a real-time cooperative game mode that you can play with up to four other players.Each player controls five heroes on the city ...
How do I join a Heist?
Each player receives 1 Heist Ticket per day. Your ticket can be used to join an existing Heist or start a new one.The ‘Join a Heist’ screen ...
How do I start a Heist?
Each player receives 1 Heist Ticket per day. Your ticket can be used to create a new Heist or join an existing one.Heists can be public or p...
How do we win a Heist?
There are 2 ways to win a Heist:Catch the Thief directly on the map. (Easy and Medium only)Battle the Thief at the Hideout. To catch the Th...
How do I battle in the Heist?
Heist battles involve ‘calling for help’. When you start a fight, you have the option to call up to 4 other heroes. The heroes who come to y...
What are the different battle types in Heist?
AmbushAfter investigating a POI, a hero can be ambushed. While ambushed, the hero cannot do anything else. Only the hero’s owner can initiat...
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