What are challenges?
Challenges are mini quests that require you to do a certain task in a specific amount of time. Completing a challenge earns you a unique sti...
How do I earn stickers?
You earn stickers by completing challenges. Be sure to read the description text closely to understand how you make progress. Some challenge...
What do I do with stickers?
You can show off your stickers to other players. Show of your favorite sticker. You can also set a sticker as your account avatar. Look at o...
What are Pick 'Em Challenges?
Pick ’Em Challenges are individual challenges that you can buy one at a time. Pick and choose which you want to do. Once you purchase a chal...
What are Book Challenges?
These challenges require you to purchase a book of several challenges, but offer a 10% discount per challenge. Each book has a theme or focu...
What are Weekly Challenges?
Every Wednesday morning at 5 AM Central Time, two new Weekly Challenges will appear on your challenges screen. You have all week to finish t...
Can I change my Weekly Challenges?
No. Every Wednesday morning at 5 AM CT, everyone on the server gets the same two Weekly Challenges to complete. You get the whole week to co...
I missed a Weekly Challenge, can I go back and do it again?
Yes. If you miss any Weekly Challenges, you can go back to the Weekly Challenge Book and purchase them for do again at any later date.
Can I get more challenge slots?
You can work on up to 4 challenges at the same time. There are 2 dedicated slots for Weekly Challenges. Everyone gets one free slot to work ...
Can I restart a challenge?
Yes. Once you own a challenge, you can restart it as many times as you want. If you miss a Weekly Challenge, you can buy it from the Weekly ...
Who are considered Disney Princesses for Challenges?
The princess collection includes Jasmine, Belle, Mulan, Rapunzel, Pocahontas, Moana, and Merida. The heroes in that collection were designat...
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